Thursday, July 24, 2008

Who likes Nectarines?!?!

Peyton does!! I showed her a banana and a nectarine and asked her which one she wanted. She grabbed the nectarine, said "ball", and took a big bite. I tried to take it to cut it up, but she was having no part of that.

Of course, she has to do her usual "cheese" face!Mmmmm!
Don't know what that face is, but it sure is cute!
You better not touch my nectarine!


Michelle said...

That is so funny! Brody did the exact same thing with a clementine. He kept calling it a ball and trying to throw it. I think he was amazed when he learned he could actually eat it.

Peyton looks like she is getting more hair!

Cassidy said...

I freakin love reading your stories!! They absolutely crack me up!! I think I should start a blog about Miss Belle! Ha! LOVE YOU!

Andrea said...

She looks so cute. Claire has taken a couple bites of my nectarines, but doesn't seem to like them much. Maybe I'll try again by giving her her own. Check out my blog and tell me if you think my new subtitle explains the name of the blog. Can you tell that I boldened the first letter of each name?

Melody said...

Those pics are adorable!

Huse Yo Mama said...

Oh my gosh, the pucker face is the cutest!!!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Love the pucker! My daughter used to grab lemons and suck on them at will and make the same face. Even now, with her being 9, she still takes the wedges in the water they serve at restaurants and sucks on them! I think I prefer nectarines ;0)

Jenny Seymore said...

I love those beautiful little puckered lips she's got! Not to mention the eyes other girls will kill for one day...